Prostate Massager Treatment Device - Infrared Heat Therapy Physical Therapy Urinary Tract - Frequency Hyperplasia Inflammation Health Care -Prostate Massager Treatment Device Price in Pakistan
Personal Care Devices Functions:
Prostate treatment equipment, home massager, male physiotherapy instrument, frequent urination, chronic inflammation 1.Far infrared hyperthermia 2.Magnetic therapy 3.Vibration massage
1.General introduction to prostate treatment device
Prostate Treatment Device is a modem prostate therapy instrument capable of tar infrared (FIR) them1cAhery, maçjiet thery and vtromassage. Through these therapies, physical energy is released directly to action spot in the human body and causes senes of biophysical and biochenical changes, which in turn lead to a series of pathological and physiological changes. For example, how energy can treat prostate diseases caused by restralnrng and elriinating causes, strengthening the no-speaflc inmLzllly and improving the potential of the physical functions of human body. This device contains an anatomically shaped treatment probe that is applied directly to the lesion locabon. To achieve spasmolysis and analgesia, transform stasis and disperse swelling, promote blood circulation, unhindered and no pain, eliminate mfiammation
1,1 Features and mechanisms
This device adopts state-of-the-on digital integrated circuits as its signal control component. Which possesses high degree of satety, high stability and high reliability. It has a si'nple structixe and allows friendly and flextie operon, Also it igrates m14le functions. And the user can choose each a'x to ofit airnd treatment Compared with conventional treatment ttrough the urettra or in vitro treatment, this device allows treatment through the rectum to the diseased gland, which relieves the pain and debvers better results.
• FIR Thermal Therapy
Infrared rays are also called thermal rays due to the fact that they absorb heat after being absorbed by thje FIR components with CHI4O ridel-chromitzn cods are used to blast FIR waves to human tissues The FIR waves accelerate the moleci,dar movement of cells and generate heat II the local area where the temperature nses (ideal to 40t''-SOt). The heat then cause angiedasis in the tissues around that area. And the blood 'ows smell faster, accelerating the absorption and ebiWiation of the eftusions. The wi strengthen the metabok caidion of cells and the ni. Aflbon process of tissues. In addition, the regenerative abály is improved The cells become more vital Strengthened inTuity hek to the imation. This trenent also reduces the excitabáty of the nerve terminals help relax the musdes. The m turn ease the spasms and k the pan.
• Magnet Therapy
The probe contains a permanent magnet. The generated rotating magnetic field towards human tissues for treatment Clinical operation and studies show that magnetic areas provide energy to human body. They improve the blood aroistion in the lesion location and accelerate the transport of antibodies, leukocyte niinent siki and oxygen to the iranied pert, as J as the absoiPoeon of plasma protele The treatment also speed ic the absorption and elimination of effusions and strengthen the metabolism. More it. Tips of mro blood circulation, reverse ic. One, oxygen deficit, edema, accumulation of algogenic substances and decrease in the activity of hydrolase. The enhanced non-specific resistace he eliminate the non-spec* pathogenic factors, which in turn ease spasms and kill the pain and eliminate the inflammation and swelling.
• Vibromassage Therapy
This device can massage prostate with continuous high-frequency mechanical vibration. Reduce the tension of the prostate, the patient does not feel pain in the therapy process.
1.2 Purpose and Applicable Scope
This device is used for adjuvant therapies of chronic pi-ostatitis, prostate hyperplasia and seminal vesicutitis.